Finally, we've figured out the methods for highlighting ranges. They still work a little weirdly with different types of terrain, but I don't expect that to be a problem in the future.
I've also mostly gotten Cameron up to speed on all the code I've worked on outside of class, so he should be able to work on it independently as well. It seems like he is going to start on a GUI next while I work on the intricacies of turn based strategy games.
My next project will be support for multiple units, and opposing teams.
We've got the very basics of grids and grid movement up and running. You can click on a location, and your character will quickly make their way there, taking the shortest possible route. However, finding a way to highlight the tiles within range of your character is turning out to be very, very difficult.
After we figure that out, I expect we'll be moving on to containing and using variables (stats) for each individual character, or a procedure for each character in a combat taking its turn.
Unity is extremely confusing.
Google 20 is a system designed by Google to allow employees time to work creatively on their own ideas. In our class, we will be dedicating 20% of our time (Fridays) to work on a project we choose. Arman, Cameron and I hope to eventually create a story-driven, turn-based strategy RPG. Gameplay will be similar to a combination of popular games like Earthbound, Fire Emblem, and D&D, complete with full world exploration, in-depth character creation, and interesting combat. I think we chose this project because it is the type of game we'd like to play, and we'd rather not wait for someone else to make it. Hopefully, we'll learn a lot about C#, Unity, game design and balance, and anything else there is to making a full game.
In order to do this, we're going to need an understanding of C# and Unity. We're also going to need to know how to work together to make sure the best of all of our ideas make it into the game, without anyone dominating production or being undermined. I believe the only way to learn these things is through experience and effort. As for information about coding, we'll reference the massive amounts of online information.
Personally, I expect that creating the game engine will be the most challenging aspect of this project. As we start out, we'll immediately be putting our minds to the most difficult technically challenges, with little knowledge of Unity and C#.
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