Example Lab Write Up

Name: Jane Doe

Period: 1

Assignment: Lab #1

Lab Overview

This lab focused on repetition in scratch. The lab required that a sprite first draw a square. Then after a square was drawn, a polygon with more sides needed to be drawn. Further, the color of the sides needed to change as the sprite moved around the polygon. Lastly, we were challenged to try to make the program dynamic and have any polygon created as the user specified the number of sides. The full lab description is found HERE.

My Solution

My solution involved one loop, repeated 4 times, as well as using a glide command to get the sprite to move to the correct location. One difficulty I had with the lab was getting the pen to clear at the right time. I eneded up using the clear command at the begining of the run.

My Project Link


  1. How is distance measured in scratch?
    • Distances in scratch are measured in pixels. The command, 'move 10 steps', really means 10 pixles
  2. Where is the origin in scratch?
    • The origin is in the middle of the canvas.